Posts Tagged ‘information’

Our Philosophy

We at Rata Midwives believe that birth is a normal life event! We follow the evidence about where the best place to birth is, that is how we keep women, babies and ourselves safe.  We provide full continuity of care, working with you from early pregnancy up to 6 weeks after your baby is born. We all care for small caseloads, ensuring we are working safely and providing you with quality care, it’s more fun that way.

The Way We Work

All the midwives within our practice have small caseloads of around four birthing women per month. This means that we have plenty of time for your appointments, which allows time, not only to build a trusting relationship, but also to share and discuss a wide range of information.

Place of Birth

We know that for the vast majority of women, normal birth is the safest and most rewarding experience. Research shows that normal birth is best achieved for healthy, low risk pregnant women by birthing at home or in a primary birthing unit, such as St George’s, Lincoln or Rangiora.

Home Births

We offer free use of birthing pools for those women choosing to birth at home. We also provide (as with all) information and support to add the ‘tools’ to your tool kit to help support you and your support team through your labour.

Achieving the best Pregnancy, Birth & Postnatal experience

Team work is an essential element in achieving a good experience; the woman, whanau and midwife are a team. Health and wellbeing during pregnancy has a huge influence on birth and postnatal outcomes for mothers and their babies.